Friday, May 22, 2020
Weed Concerning to College Athletes - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 895 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category Career Essay Level High school Topics: Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay Did you like this example? The question of college athletes using marijuana in college has stirred up a great controversy in todays society. The topic is controversial because in some states the drug is legal, but it is still illegal at the federal level. It also is said to give athletes some benefits and non-benefits that can affect the athlete. The main reason why college athletes arent allowed to use marijuana is because even though weed is legal at the state level, it is not legal at a federal level. This means if the federal government wants to hold charges against a college for allowing their athletes to use marijuana, there can be serious consequences and ramification for that college. This scare and discourages a lot of colleges, athletic programs, from promoting use of the drug, because most colleges receive a substantial amount government funding, which would be in jeopardy, if they allowed marijuana use. There can be various consequences for marijuana use, such as a college athlete losing their scholarship or the chance to play college sports period. Using marijuana, as an athlete, is something you dont want to play with if youre dream is to (one day) make it into the big league. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Weed Concerning to College Athletes" essay for you Create order Some people say marijuana should be allowed for college athletes because of the benefits. Some of the many benefit that marijuana can give an athlete is muscle relaxation, which can help athletes recover from workouts quicker allowing them to work out more often. Marijuana also can help an athlete gain weight if needed. Marijuana also can be used as a pain reliever/softener if an athlete was injured. Its also said to protect the brain from concussions and trauma. Meaning it can help football players sustain hits to the head more often. The drug also can help the student athletes cope with depression and anxieties to help them become focused in their studies and sports. Marijuana also can stop muscle spasms and cramps that occur during competition and working out. It is said that marijuana can also stop headaches caused from strenuous workouts. The drug can also help with responses allowing you to do things quicker and more efficient. It also allows an athlete to get better sleep whic h can improve energy and recovery of the body. Marijuana is said to improve vision and concentration allowing athletes to focused in on the game. It also allows athletes to forget previous traumatic experiences related to the activity such as hits, falls and injuries. Marijuana is also said to make people happier in which athletes will begin to have fun with the sport instead of being stressed about it. It is a fact that marijuana doesnt have to be just smoked to gain some of the same benefits. Marijuana come in many different forms liquid and edibles that will give you the same effects without the pressure of causing harm to the lungs. Meaning that you dont get the disadvantages of the smoke such as the smell and the long-term effect on the lungs. These advantage alone can give an athlete an upper hand over others when it comes to competing and getting better at their sport. Many argue that Marijuana should not be allowed for college athletes because of the non-benefits. Many people believe that the drug doesnt give an athlete the upper-hand but it takes away from the athlete ability by taking away their time and education readiness to be eligible to play, which give them a disadvantage at the start. They say things like the drug is addictive and can cause athletes to spend most of their time getting high. Its also said the that the drug can kill brain cells and make an athlete not as smart making them unable to pass classes to be eligible to play. The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that 9 percent of all user of marijuana will become dependent, whereas 17 percent of people who start using during their teens are more likely to be dependent on it. One study conducted by the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence in 2011, said that 42 percent of users who tried to quit experienced withdrawal symptoms, such as a loss of appetite and increased levels of irritation. The THC in the weed could mess with your balance if too much is consumed at once, can cause one to stumble and fall. Marijuana can also cause psychosis, if too much is consumed, causing people to hallucinations, to be delusional, and to their sense of personal identity. If too much THC is consumed it can also cause dizziness or lightheadedness. Also, the smoke in weed can make you develop a chronic cough or a respiratory illness, due to the weed smoke. The smoke in weed can lead to a medical condition called Cannabinoid Hyperemesis that can lead to nausea and vomiting. These disadvantages can harm an athlete and cause them to their skills in their sport. The question of college athletes using marijuana in college has stirred up a big controversy in todays times. Its controversies include both state and federal legal oppositions, as well as the many pros and cons on the effect that marijuana has on an athlete. Overall, both arguments give great examples on, whether or whether not, marijuana should be used by college athletes. However, the big question remains, should or shouldnt college athlete use marijuana? The verdict is still out!
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Supreme Approach for Argumentative Essay Topics for Nursing
The Supreme Approach for Argumentative Essay Topics for Nursing All About Argumentative Essay Topics for Nursing Based on your argument, the variety of body paragraphs you have will vary. Any superior task finishes with a good conclusion and the very best examples of the argumentative essay will arrive in with a conclusion which has an overview of all of the points together with a gist of the evidences provided. The range of paragraphs equals the number of arguments. It depends on the quantity of arguments you want to discuss. All About Argumentative Essay Topics for Nursing As you can include your conclusion in your counter-argument, it's much better to divide them into two distinct paragraphs. Obviously, you must concentrate on supporting your thesis statement in place of the opponents. You have to consistently stay on a single side of the argument. You should first pick a good topic with an argument, credible information to strengthen your viewpoint, a good stance on y our side, and a fantastic counter-argument that will help you sound less biased. You might also see academic essay. The essay ought to have a little structure, unlike a normal essay. You can also see analytical essay. You could also see descriptive essay. To compose a fantastic argumentative essay, there are four important sections of the essay you're likely to have to know about. If you're new to writing argumentative essays, there are a couple of essential factors which you can learn that could help you compose a superior argumentative essay. Before writing an argumentative essay, there's one important thing which you should know. Whether it's an argumentative or expository essay that you're writing, it is crucial to develop a clear thesis statement and a very clear sound reasoning. The Basics of Argumentative Essay Topics for Nursing The absolute most essential part of your paper is the introduction. The problem here is that it takes so many parts of paper to write just a single textbook. The structure of your paper's outline is exactly like the structure of your whole essay. Argumentative essay format is dependent on your professor's requirements, since there is not any frequent pattern for each and every essay. The prim ary reason why somebody is writing an argumentative essay is to make an effort to persuade or sway another man or perhaps a group of men and women in your rightness in a particular theme. Everyone demands some strong ideas that can be linked with your idea, that's why you want to hook examples together with theoretical ones. When selecting a topic make sure you like it, as you will have to devote days or even weeks on it, so it's important to stay motivated in regards to the matter you discuss. If you've completed a nice job, they will observe things your way and your essay is going to be a success. All you must have is a tiny curiosity besides that everything will wind up an intriguing game of knowledge. To put it differently, you want to attempt to comprehend where they're coming from. Choose from popular topics that folks are passionate about. The past couple of sentences ought to be extremely clear and have a long-lasting image on your audience. An argumentative essay ex ample will reveal the should possess some critical components which make it better in the practice of convincing. Be certain you read online essay writing service reviews in order to know what sort of material you are spending for. Should you need more assistance with editing and revising, there are a few free tools readily available online. Not only will the switch help reduce the expense of textbooks, but nevertheless, it will also be saving the environment by decreasing waste and diminishing the quantity of paper used. Hearsay, Lies and Argumentative Essay Topics for Nursing Once more, it is necessary to use valuable facts and statistics. You will then have to approach the subject by gathering, generating, and evaluating credible sources to back up your evidence. Look through the list of topics with care and commence making a mental collection of the evidence it is possible to use on topics you want. An excellent method to tell if your topics is an argument topic is to see whether you can debate your topic utilizing the info you find. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Argumentative Essay Topics for Nursing In the debut, that is the very first paragraph of the essay, Myrtle will want to spell out the problem and state her position. You want to realize that different folks have various points of view regarding the exact same topic, so be patient. The Secret to Argumentative Essay Topics for Nursing Writing an argumentative essay is a skill that anyone in school should know, although it can be useful outside the classroom, too. After all, the task of the student is to just explain how other positions might not be well informed or current on this issue. Frequently students are permitted to choose argumentative essay topics by themselves, which can be both challenging and interesting at the very same moment. Not only that but they will be able to access their online courses and be able to follow the lecture through powerpoints. Writing ha s existed for quite a lengthy time. You may also see Writing Template. It is very important to check reviews about essay writing services in order to be confident they can deliver your task before the deadline. Mind a thesis proposal as an individual assignment is a lengthy, doctoral-level project. Working to an argumentative essay when you're learning first steps, isn't an easy undertaking to do.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Test Bank Ch1 Free Essays
Test Bankâ€â€Chapter One (Data Representation) Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following Boolean operations produces the output 1 for the fewest number of input patterns? A. ANDB. We will write a custom essay sample on Test Bank Ch1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now ORC. XOR ANSWER: A 2. Which of the following best describes the NOR operation? A. An XOR followed by a NOTB. An OR followed by a NOT C. A NOT followed by a NOTC. An AND followed by a NOT ANSWER: B 3. Which of the following bit patterns cannot be expressed in hexadecimal notation? A. 11111111B. 1001C. 110011D. 100000000001 ANSWER: C 4. Which of the following is the binary representation of 4 5/8? A. 100. 11B. 10. 11C. 110. 101D. 100. 101 ANSWER: D 5. Which of the following bit patterns represents the value 5 in two’s complement notation? A. 00011010B. 11111011C. 00000101D. 11111011 ANSWER: C 6. Which of the following bit patterns represents the value -5 in two’s complement notation? A. 00011010 B. 11111011C. 00000101 D. 11111011 ANSWER: D 7. In which of the following addition problems (using two’s complement notation) does an overflow error occur? A. 0011 B. 0100 C. 1100 + 1010 + 0100 + 1100 ANSWER: B 8. Which of the following representations in two’s comp lement notation represents the largest value? A. 00000010B. 11111111C. 00000001D. 11111110 ANSWER: A 9. Which of the following bit patterns (represented in hexadecimal notation) represents a negative number in two’s complement notation? A. 7FB. 55C. A6D. 08 ANSWER: C 10. What value is represented by the bit pattern 01011100 when interpreted using floating-point format in which the most significant bit is the sign bit, the next three bits represent the exponent field in excess notation, and the last four bits represent the mantissa? A. -1 1/2 B. 1 1/2C. -3/8 D. 3/8 ANSWER: B 11. Which of the following values cannot be stored accurately using a floating-point format in which the most significant bit is the sign bit, the next three bits represent the exponent field in excess notation, and the last four bits represent the mantissa? A. 2 1/2B. 3/16C. 7D. 6 1/4 ANSWER: D 121. Which of the following bit-patterns represents the smallest value using the floating-point format in which the most significant bit is the sign bit, the next three bits represent the exponent field in excess notation, and the last four bits represent the mantissa? A. 01001000B. 1011000C. 00101000D. 01111000 ANSWER: C 13. Which of the following data storage systems provides the most efficient random access to individual data items? A. Main memoryB. Magnetic diskC. Optical CDs and DVDs ANSWER: A 14. Which of the following storage systems is best suited for storing and retrieving long strings of data that are processed in their sequential order? A. Main memoryB. Magnetic diskC. Optical CDs and DVDs ANSWER: C 15. Which of the following mass storage system does not require physical motion? A. Magnetic tapeB. Magnetic diskC. DVDsD. Flash drives ANSWER: D 16. Assuming that each of the following bit patterns originally had even parity, which one contains an error? A. 10110100B. 11000011C. 00011000 D. 10001001 ANSWER: D 17. How many errors per pattern could be corrected when using an error-correcting code in which any two code patterns differ by a Hamming distance of 8? A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6 ANSWER: A 18. Which of the following is a possible LZW compression of the message â€Å"xyz xyz xyz†? A. 1234B. 1234545C. 232D. 12 ANSWER: B 19. How many different symbols can be encoded using Unicode? A. 256B. 4,096C. 65,536D. 1,046,476 ANSWER: C 20. Which of the following systems is least efficient when encoding numeric values? A. Two’s complement notationB. Excess notation C. ASCIID. Floating-point notation ANSWER: C 21. Which of the following is a means of encoding music? A. ASCIIB. MIDIC. JPEGD. GIF ANSWER: B Fill-in-the-blank/Short-answer Questions 1. A computer’s main memory consists of numerous memory cells, each of which contains ________ bits. Each memory cell is identified by a numeric value called the cell’s _________. ANSWER: eight, address 2. Represent the bit pattern 1011010010011111 in hexadecimal notation. ________ ANSWER: B49F 3. A7DF is the hexadecimal representation for what bit pattern? ____________ ANSWER: 1010 0111 1101 1111 4. How many different bit patterns can be formed if each must consist of exactly 6 bits? ____________ ANSWER: 64 5. Translate each of the following binary representations into its equivalent base ten representation. A. 1100__________ B. 10. 011__________ C. 0. 01 ___ _______ D. 10001__________ ANSWER: A. 12 B. 2 3/8 C. 1/4 D. 17 6. Rewrite each of the following values (represented in base ten notation) in binary notation. A. 7__________ B. 23__________ C. 2 1/4 __________ D. 5/8__________ ANSWER: A. 111 B. 10111 C. 10. 01 D. 0. 101 7. If the patterns 101. 11 and 1. 011 represent values in binary notation, what is the binary representation of their sum? ____________ ANSWER: 111. 001 8. Using a two’s complement notation system in which each value is represented by a pattern of six bits, represent the value 3. ____________ ANSWER: 000011 9. Using a two’s complement notation system in which each value is represented by a pattern of six bits, represent the value -3. ____________ ANSWER: 111101 10. What is the largest positive integer that can be represented in a two’s complement system in which each value is represented by eight bits? ____________ ANSWER: 127 (represented by 01111111) 11. In a two’s complement system, what value is represented by the pattern 11111111111111001? ____________ ANSWER: -7 12. When using two’s complement notation, what bit pattern represents the negation of 01101010? ____________ ANSWER: 10010110 13. What value is represented by each of the following patterns in excess notation? A. 10000 ____ B. 0110 ____ C. 1011 ____ ANSWER: A. 0, B. -2, C. 14. Using an 8-bit floating-point format in which the most significant bit is the sign bit, the next three bits represent the exponent field in excess notation, and the last four bits represent the mantissa, write the bit pattern that represents the value 1 3/4. (Use normalized form. ) ____________ ANSWER: 01011110 15. What is the largest value that can be represented in a floating-point sys tem in which each value is encoded by a byte whose most significant bit is the sign bit, the next three bits represent the exponent field in excess notation, and the last four bits represent the mantissa? ___________ ANSWER: 7 1/2 (represented as 01111111) 16. Which of the following addition problems cannot be solved accurately when using a floating-point system in which each value is encoded by a byte whose most significant bit is the sign bit, the next three bits represent the exponent field in excess notation, and the last four bits represent the mantissa? A. 2 1/2 + 1 3/8B. 3 1/2 + 4 1/2C. 7 + 3/4 ____________ ANSWER: A, B, and C 17. The following is an error-correcting code in which any two patterns differ by a Hamming distance of at least three. Symbol Representation A 000000 B 001111 C 010011 D 011100 E 100110 F 101001 G 110101 H 111010 Decode each of the following patterns 010011 ________101010 ________011000 ________101101 _______ ANSWER: C, H, D, F 18. How many errors in a single code pattern could be corrected when using an error-correcting code in which each code pattern is a Hamming distance of at least seven from any other code pattern? ____________ ANSWER: 3 19. The following is a message that was originally encoded so that each pattern had odd parity. Circle the patterns in which an error has definitely occurred. 0110101 11110000 10010010 00000000 11111111 00001000 00111101 ______________________________________ ANSWER: Second, fourth, fifth, and sixth 20. Data compression techniques apply various principles to reduce the size of data. One, called _______________________, avoids repeating long strings of the same data item. Another, called _______________________, encodes the difference between consecutive blocks of data rather than encoding eac h block in its entirety. Still another, called _________________________, uses short bit patterns to encode frequently occurring items and longer patterns to encode less frequent items. ANSWER: Run-length encoding, relative encoding, and frequency-dependent encoding. Vocabulary (Matching) Questions The following is a list of terms from the chapter along with descriptive phrases that can be used to produce questions (depending on the topics covered in your course) in which the students are ask to match phrases and terms. An example would be a question of the form, â€Å"In the blank next to each phrase, write the term from the following list that is best described by the phrase. †TermDescriptive Phrase bitBinary digit Boolean operationAND, OR, XOR, NOT addressA numeric value used to identify a memory cell exadecimal notationAn efficient way of representing bit patterns sectorA segment of a track in a mass storage system zoned-bit recordingA means of increasing the storage capacity of a magnetic disk system bufferA storage area used to hold data on a temporary basis, often as a step in transferring the data from one device to another ISOAn international organi zation for establishing standards ANSIA major standardization organization within the United States ASCIIA system developed by the American Standards Institute for encoding text. lip-flopA digital circuit capable of holding a single digit two’s complement notationA means of encoding whole numbers floating-point notationA means of encoding numeric values that may involve fractions truncationAn error that may occur when using floating-point notation pixelA small part of an image GIFA means of compressing an image file by restricting the number of colors available JPEGA means of compressing images by blurring the boundaries between different colors while maintaining all brightness information UnicodeA means of encoding text in which each symbol is represented by 16 bits LZWAn example of adaptive dictionary encoding MIDIA means of encoding music in terms of notes and instruments rather than actual audio Key fieldA part of a logical record in a file used to identify the record. VLSIA means of constructing complex circuitry in a very small space. General Format Questions 1. Describe how a computer can produce an incorrect answer when performing numerical computations even though it has not malfunctioned. ANSWER: Most students will probably refer to overflow and truncation errors. 2. Describe ho the concept of Hamming distance is used to produce an error-correcting code. ANSWER: By designing a code in which each pattern has a Hamming distance of n from any other pattern, patterns with fewer than n/2 errors can be corrected by replacing them with the code pattern that is closest. . a. What is the output of the circuit below? [pic] b. In general, how does the three-bit input pattern across the top of the diagram relate to the circuit’s output? ANSWER: a. 0 b. The output is 0 if the input parity is odd; the output is 1 if the input parity is even. 4. If the input and output bit patterns in the circuit below are interpreted as binary representations of numeric values, what operation does the circuit perform? [pic] ANSWER: T he circuit subtracts one (except for the case of the input being 000). . Explain why such terms as kilobyte, megabyte, and gigabyte have acquired double meanings. ANSWER: The prefixes kilo, mega, and giga are used traditionally to refer to units measured in powers of ten. However, due to the early misuse of the prefix kilo in reference to units of the size 1024, these prefixes are now often used to refer to units that are powers of twoâ€â€especially when referring to the capacity of main memories. 6. Convert the following addition problem into two’s complement notation using four bits per value), perform the addition, convert the answer back into base ten notation, and explain the results. 6 + 3 ANSWER: In two’s complement notation the problem is to add 0110 and 0011. The sum is 1001 which translates to -7. This answer is incorrect due to overflow. 7. Under what condition is each of the following data compression techniques most effective? a. Run-length encoding b. Relative encoding ANSWER: a. Compresses most when data consists of long strings of the same entry. b. Compresses most when each block of data differs little from the previous block. 8. What is frequency-dependent encoding? ANSWER: Frequency-dependent encoding is an encoding system that uses short bit patterns to represent data items that occur most often and longer patterns to represent less frequently occurring items. The result is that entire blocks of data can be represented in less space than would be required if each data item were represented by the same size bit pattern. 9. Construct the entire two’s complement scale in which each value is represented by three bits. ANSWER: 3 011 2 010 1 001 0 000 -1 111 -2 110 -3 101 -4 100 10. To what does the term â€Å"normalized form†refer in the context of floating-point notation? ANSWER: Normalized form refers to a standard for positioning the bit pattern within the mantissa field. Many values can be represented in floating-point notation by different bit patterns, only one of which is in normalized form. Hence, restricting representations to normalized form assures that each value is represented by a unique pattern. 11. Explain why the final version of the dictionary need not be transmitted with a message encoded using LZW compression. ANSWER: The dictionary can be constructed during decompression in the same way it was constructed during compression. 12. Among the Boolean operations AND, OR, EXCLUSIVE OR, and NOT, which is least like the others? Explain your answer. ANSWER: There is not really a right or wrong answer. The student’s explanation is the most important part. Most students will probably answer NOT because it has only one input whereas the others have two. 3. If a term paper consisted 42 pages, each containing 40 lines of 100 symbols each (counting each space as a symbol), was to be encoded using Unicode, how many bytes of storage space would be required? ANSWER: 336,000 bytes (168,000 symbols times 2 bytes per symbol) 14. Explain why adding only a few characters to a text file may increase the file’s size by several hundred bytes and at other times may not increase the fil e’s size at all. ANSWER: File space is allocated in terms of physical records, each of which is several hundred bytes in size. Thus, the size of a file grows by physical record units rather than by byte size units. 15. In a two’s complement system, what value can be added to any other value without causing an overflow? How many values in the system have this property? Explain your answer. ANSWER: Adding the value 0 to any other value will not produce an overflow. However, if m is the largest positive integer that can be represented in the system, then any value in the range 1 to m will produce an overflow when added to m, and any value in the range -1 to -( m + 1) will produce an overflow when added to -( m + 1). How to cite Test Bank Ch1, Papers
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